Event Details:
Megan Dietrich & Jon Lavigne, Client Advocacy & Education
No Registration or Prerequisite courses are required to attend/participate in this webinar.
All webinars, unless otherwise stated, are presented via Zoom.
Webinar ID: http://stanford.zoom.us/j/95043802999?pwd=TGplUDJBZ0FKQ3FicjkzZ2FTbm82QT09
This webinar will introduce at a high level the current federal disclosure landscape, Stanford’s disclosure guidance and resources available to administrators and faculty, SciENcv, and what we know and don't know yet about federal agency adoption and implementation of the Common Forms (Biosketch and Current and Pending (other) Support). We will also share SeRA system tools that can be leveraged to facilitate with Current and Pending/Other Support document preparation including the SeRA Current and Pending Support Report and External Activities Questionnaire (EAQ). We encourage attendees to bring their questions and use cases through which they are currently working for discussion.
If you have any disclosure related questions for which you need immediate assistance, please submit those HERE , and a member of the ORA-RMG Disclosures Team will respond to you shortly.
More Information
OSR-SeRA Webinar Recordings & Slides