Quarterly Reviews, eCertification, and Reporting – Sponsored Project Maintenance Schedule Part III
Event Details:
Megan Dietrich & Jon Lavigne, Client Advocacy & Education
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Webinar ID: http://stanford.zoom.us/j/95043802999?pwd=TGplUDJBZ0FKQ3FicjkzZ2FTbm82QT09
Maintaining a sponsored project award is like maintaining your car. If you read the manual and follow the recommended maintenance schedule, the car or project will run smoothly, and the journey will have very few challenges which can be easily remedied. In this webinar we will discuss the invaluable sponsored project maintenance checkpoint of the quarterly review and eCertification process. Just like filling changing your car’s oil – the quarterly review is a must do. We will explore what to look for during these reviews, what to report out to your principal investigators to be a value add, the eCertification process, and how to leverage these touch points for overall successful portfolio management including looking ahead for upcoming portfolio action items, sponsor prior approval requests, keeping Other Support & Current & Pending reports up to date, suppressing old and unneeded non-personnel commitments, long range appointment and spending planning etc.
More Information
OSR-SeRA Webinar Recordings & Slides
Sponsored Projects Maintenance Resources