Final Fringe Benefits Rates for FY2025
Stanford and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) have signed the final agreement for the Fringe Benefits and Vacation Accrual/Disability Sick Leave rates for fiscal year 2025. These rates are effective beginning September 1, 2024. The rates are as follows:
FY2025 Final Fringe Benefits and Vacation Accrual/Disability Sick Leave Rates
Staff Benefits:
Regular Benefits-eligible Employees 28.6% (Note 1)
Post-Doctoral Research Affiliates 24.6%
Contingent Employees 8.5%
Graduate Assistants 6.8%
Vacation Accrual/Disability Sick Leave rates (applicable to only Regular Benefits Eligible staff):
Exempt, Nonexempt, and bargaining unit staff 8.7%
Note 1: This does not include the 3.0% supplemental rate charged against Regular Benefits-Eligible employee salaries for non-government projects/accounts only. The largest program included in the supplemental rate is the tuition grant program (TGP). Also included are university-wide programs that benefit faculty and staff. Please contact Neil Hamilton ( at the University Budget Office for questions related to the TGP and supplemental rate.
If you have any questions regarding the fringe benefits and vacation accrual/disability rates, please contact Nguyet Sin at 725-1744 (, Lily Leung at 721-3516 (, or Stella Hu at 721-5985 (