Non-Government Sponsor COVID-19 Guidance
Please send any sponsor COVID-19 guidance to: to be added to this list. Thank you.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Letter to Grantees (Added 4/15/20)
Alzheimer's Association
Awardee Grant Guidance (Added 5/2/20)
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
A Message to Our Grantees and Partners about COVID-19 (Added 4/18/20)
American Heart Association (AHA)
Notice to AHA Research Community Regarding COVID-19 (Added 3/25/20)
FAQs on COVID-19 Impact to AHA Research (Updated 3/3/30/20)
Arnold Ventures (AV)
Updated COVID-19 guidance for grantees (Updated 4/20/20)
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Guidance for Clinical Trials impacted by COVID-19 (Added 5/8/20)
Bristol Myers Squibb
Message to Clinical Trial Investigators on Bristol Myers Squibb’s Response to COVID-19 (Added 4/5/20)
California Department of Public Health
FAQs about managing California Tobacco Control Program funded awards (Added 10/6/20)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
COVID-19 FAQs for Applicants and Awardees (Updated 5/7/20)
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Message to Grantee Partners on the Foundation's COVID-19 Grantmaking Response (Added 3/30/20)
Ford Foundation
Message of Support for Foundation Grantees (Added 4/6/20)
Galapagos NV
Guidance for ISABELA clinical studies investigational sites impacted by COVID-19 (Added 5/8/20)
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
FAQs for IMLS Grant Applicants and Awardees (Added 3/24/20)
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
JDRF guidance on salary charging and no-cost extension requests (Added 4/8/20)
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)
LLS response and guidance to grantees and applicants on COVID-19 (Added 4/7/20)
MacArthur Foundation
MacArthur Program Officer Letter to Grantees (Added 4/8/20)
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research
MJFF FAQs: Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Research Support (Added 5/2/20)
Open Society Foundations
Open Society Foundations message to grant recipients and applicants (Added 3/24/20)
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Applicant and Awardee FAQs Related to COVID-19 (Updated 4/2/20)
Rockefeller Foundation
Updates and FAQs for grantees of The Rockefeller Foundation (Added 4/18/20)
Simons Foundation
Foundation contacts to report delays in the project progress or request for additional time (Added 4/18/20)
Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C)
Contingency Plan for Active SU2C Grantees Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic (Added 4/8/20)
Susan G. Komen
Grant policy update effective April 1, 2020 (Added 4/23/20)
University of California
Research Grants Program Office (RGPO) - COVID-19 Communication to Grantees (Updated 4/16/20)
University of Colorado Boulder
COVID-19 Impact Letter on CU Boulder awards (Added 4/7/20)
V Foundation
Policy Administrative Flexibilities due to COVID-19 Disruptions (Added 4/15/20)
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Foundation’s message to Grantees and Non-profit Partners (Added 4/2/20)
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Message to WWF partners and grantees on COVID-19 pandemic (Added 4/7/20)