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Compliance protocols MUST be approved and linked in SeRA to a SPO project record prior to award acceptance. 

See ORA's Award Acceptance Resources for additional information.

COVID-19 Research Admin Info

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This webpage will be updated with COVID-19 information from government agencies, sponsors, and Stanford University, for guidance on sponsored research activities.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Suspension of Salary Charging Flexibility on Federal Awards (OMB Memo M-20-26)

Memo to Stanford research community regarding the Suspension of Salary Charging Flexibility on Federal Awards  (July 23, 2020)

Sponsor COVID-19 Guidance for Sponsored Research Projects

Find guidance and information from sponsors on how to administer to sponsored awards. 

Government Sponsor COVID-19 Guidance

Non-Government Sponsor COVID-19 Guidance

ORA & RMG COVID-19 Sponsored Research Town Hall Webinars

ORA and the Research Management Group hosted several town halls on COVID-19's impact on sponsored research administration. ORA and RMG leadership addressed concerns and provided guidance on the shifting research administration landscape due to the pandemic.  Visit the OSR and RMG  Sponsored Reseach Town Halls page for more information on upcoming webinars and recordings of previous webinars.

Stanford Sponsored Research COVID-19 Information & Resources

Stanford Health Alerts provides updated information and guidance related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on the University

Dean of Research Communication to the Stanford Community - Research Continuity updates from Dean of Research Kathryn Ann Moler

School of Medicine Research Management Group (RMG) COVID-19 Updates and Resources  (Added 3/17/20)

How do I get Essential Research Functions Approved? - Conducting on-campus research functions during the Pandemic  (Added 3/30/20)

Financial Management Services - Travel issues resource  (Updated 8/31/20)

Office of Research Administration (ORA)

ORA is in full operation Mondays to Fridays from 9 am to 5 pm.  Due to COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders, ORA personnel are working remotely and unable to receive physical mail.  Documents requiring action should be sent to ORA via email to ensure timely response.