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2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.

Current & Pending (Other) Support

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All federal research agencies and most other federal agencies and non-federal sponsors require investigators and project senior/key personnel to disclose in proposals and/or during the award process and over the lives of awards, all current and pending (other) resources made available in support of, or related to, all of their research.

Not properly disclosing all resources in accordance with a sponsor's requirements can have serious consequences. It is critical to closely review and adhere to each sponsor’s specific disclosure requirements.

SeRA Disclosures / Current and Pending Support Report

Anyone with an active SU Net ID can access SeRA to run the SeRA Disclosures / Current & Pending Support Report

Investigators and administrators can use the information in this report as the starting point for preparing a Current and Pending (Other) Support document and as an aid for Biosketches.  The report can also be exported in its entirety in either PDF or Excel formats for easy copying and pasting into the NIH Other Support Word template, SciENcv, etc.

NIH Other Support Support

NIH Disclosures - Stanford Guidance

NSF Current & Pending Support

NSF Disclosures - Stanford Guidance

  • Effective 10/23/23, use of SciENcv is mandatory for preparation of NSF biosketches. 
  • PIs and Senior/Key personnel are required to certify that the information within their NSF current and pending support is current, accurate, and complete.  The certification language is included within SciENcv.  SciENcv records an individual’s certification when they download either their current and pending support from SciENcv.  The certification of NSF Current and Pending Support MAY NOT be delegated to administrators.

Implementation of the Common Form for Current and Pending (Other) Support Information-  Effective for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024 

  • NSF Proposal & Award Policy and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF 24-1 - Implements required use of the Common Form for Current and Pending (Other) Support).  The common disclosure form for Current and Pending (Other) Support is NOW available in SciENcv and incorporates the following: 
    • Each senior/key person is required to complete the following certifications regarding the information provided in their Current and Pending (Other) Support when they download the form from SciENcv:
      • I certify that the information provided is current, accurate, and complete. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to current, pending, and other support (both foreign and domestic) as defined in 42 U.S.C. § 6605.
      • I also certify that, at the time of submission, I am not a party in a malign foreign talent recruitment program.
      • Misrepresentations and/or omissions may be subject to prosecution and liability pursuant to, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. §§ 287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3733 and 3802.
    • Consulting activities must be disclosed under the proposals and active projects section of the common form when any of the following scenarios apply:
      • The consulting activity will require the senior/key person to perform research as part of the consulting activity;
      • The consulting activity does not involve performing research, but is related to the senior/key person’s research portfolio and may have the ability to impact funding, alter time or effort commitments, or otherwise impact scientific integrity; or
      • The consulting entity has provided a contract that requires the senior/key person to conceal or withhold confidential financial or other ties between the senior/key person and the entity, irrespective of the duration of the engagement.
    • In-kind resources that must be disclosed are limited to those with an estimated dollar value of $5000 or more and that require a commitment of the individual's time. An in-kind contribution is a non-cash contribution provided by an external entity that directly supports the individuals' research and development efforts. An in-kind contribution may include but is not limited to: real property; laboratory space; equipment; data or data sets; supplies; other expendable property; goods and services; employee or student resources. In-kind contributions with an estimated value of less than $5000 need not be reported.
    • Common form definitions including, but not limited to what constitutes a malign foreign talent recruitment program.

Additional NSF C&P Resources

DoD Key Personnel Disclosures

DoD Disclosures - Stanford Guidance

DoE Key Personnel Disclosures

DoE Disclosures - Stanford Guidance

NASA Key Personnel Disclosures

NASA Disclosures - Stanford Guidance

Need further assistance? Have questions and/or feedback? Please submit questions and/or feedback here, and a member of the ORA-RMG Disclosures Team will respond to you shortly.