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See ORA's Award Acceptance Resources for additional information.

Cayuse Proposals People Profiles

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All Stanford Cayuse users have the ability to create and edit People Profiles within Stanford’s Cayuse.  The information entered in an individual’s Cayuse People Profile feeds into a proposal when that individual is selected as personnel (PI or other) on an application.

How to Create and/or Edit a Cayuse People Profile

  1. From the Cayuse Proposals landing page click the People tab. 
Cayuse Proposals Landing Page with People Tab
  1. Search for the person’s name to ensure they do not already have a Cayuse profile.  If the person does not already have a profile, click on the + Person button. 
Cayuse Proposal People Tab Person Lookup
  1. The Create Professional Profile window will open. Complete the name fields and click on Create New Profile. 
Cayuse Create Professional Profile Dialog Box
  1. If available, enter the person’s NIH Commons ID.  Click on the green plus to add an Institutional Association. 
Cayuse Professional Profile Add Institutional Association
  1. For Stanford personnel, select Stanford from the drop-down list, and click on Create Institutional Association.  For subrecipient personnel, select the appropriate subrecipient institution from the drop-down list, and click on Create Institutional Association.  If you do not see your subrecipient institution, please click here for instructions on how to create a subrecipient institutional profile. 
Cayuse Create Institutional Association Dialog Box
  1. Complete the Contact Info to the extent you are able. 
Cayuse Create Professional Profile Contact Info
  1. Select the eRA Role:
    • Select PI anyone you intend to list as a PI on an application e.g., for faculty, post docs (for fellowship), and grad students (for fellowships) – this box must be checked in order for an individual to be selectable as a PI on an application.
    • Select Assistant for department research administrators
    • Select Administrative Official for OSR CGAs
    • Select Signing Official/AOR for RMG RPMs and OSR CGOs
Cayuse Create Professional Profile eRA Role
  1. Select the appropriate Department/Division from the drop down menu and enter the individual’s Position/title
    • Cayuse is only able to store a single department affiliation for an individual.  For faculty with multiple department affiliations, we generally recommend selecting the home department here and amending the information, as needed, within specific applications.
Cayuse Create Professional Profile Department Division Title
  1. Stanford is currently NOT utilizing the Salary and Fringe Worksheet section, as any information entered here is viewable to all Stanford Cayuse users.
  2. Click on the Save icon. 
Cayuse Create Professional Profile Save Icon
  1. For the Performance Site, select the Active box if you will be using this.
    • If the Performance Site is the same address as the Contact Address for the individual, you can select Fill from Contact/Org Info.  Otherwise, complete the fields as appropriate. 
Cayuse Create Professional Profile Performance Site
  1. Click on the Save icon one more time. 
Cayuse Create Professional Profile Department Division Title
  1. Click on the People breadcrumb to exit the record and leave it unlocked. 
Cayuse Professional Profile Exit Breadcrumb

Need further Cayuse assistance?  Please submit a HelpSU ticket to the SeRA Support Team  and a SeRA Support Analyst will contact you shortly.

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