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2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.

Cayuse User Guides and Resources

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Cayuse Proposals (S2S) is the system-to-system solution Stanford and 150+ peer institutions use to prepare and submit federal applications to the portal.  

Stanford does NOT use Workspace.  If a funding announcement advises applications must be prepared in Workspace and/or, prepare the application in Stanford's Cayuse.

Stanford Cayuse User access is granted by submitting a HelpSU ticket to the SeRA Support Team.  Once access is granted, Stanford's Cayuse system can easily be accessed from SeRA

  • From the SeRA Navigate dropdown menu select Cayuse.
  • If you have previously been granted Stanford Cayuse access, a new browser tab will open to your Proposals page of Cayuse. 
  • If you are prompted for any Cayuse specific login credentials, please submit a HelpSU ticket for Cayuse access to the SeRA Support Team, and a SeRA Support Analyst will respond to you shortly.

Cayuse Quick Guide

Cayuse Training Webinar

Cayuse People Profiles Guide

Cayuse Institutional Profiles Guide - Stanford’s Institutional Profile in Cayuse is maintained by OSR. Please do NOT make any edits to this profile.

Cayuse Comprehensive Guide

Copying and Transforming Cayuse Proposals

Linking a Cayuse Proposal to a PDRF

List of Peer Institutions that use Cayuse Proposals (S2S)

RR Personal Data Form - Who is listed, how the form's logic works, and the form's limitations

Subawards Guide - Use when Stanford's Cayuse proposal includes subawards to other institutions

When Stanford is a subrecipient on a proposal

Need further Cayuse assistance? Please submit a HelpSU ticket to the SeRA Support Team and a SeRA Support Analyst will contact you shortly.

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