PTA Account Setup – New
Once a sponsored research agreement is signed by the Office of Sponsored Research, Research Management Group or the Industrial Contracts Office, SeRA sends an Award Approval Notification (AAN) and a New PTA Account Setup transaction is triggered within SeRA.
The New PTA Account Setup transaction is assigned to the individual that was identified as the Department PTA Setup Contact on the SeRA PDRF at the time of proposal submission. SeRA will send an email notifying the Department PTA Setup Contact that an Account Setup - New action item is on their SeRA Dashboard and pending their action.
- New tasks for Investigators can only be added after the Investigator is added to the SeRA SPO record and completes their Investigator certifications. If the Investigator is not yet associated with the project, please select the "Add New Investigator to Project" Central Office Request type.
- For projects where sponsors do not require prior approval to add Investigators, departments can use the COR- Add New Investigator to Project guide
Prepare & Approve Account – Dept
1. Access the New Account Setup Transaction
- Click on the blue hyperlink included in the SeRA sent Account Setup –New email notification or log into SeRA and click on the blue transaction ID # for the appropriate Account Setup – New transaction listed under My Action Items
- Upon clicking on the transaction ID# the page will refresh to a New Account Request page / Transaction Home
2. Review any provided comments or instructions.
3. From the Transaction Home, review the information in the PTA Configuration section
- Many aspects of the PTA configuration are determined by the Award Budget and the Terms and Conditions of the sponsor and specific award
- Award numbers in red are proposed award numbers only. These award numbers are subject to change when setup in Oracle.
- If changes to the default Awards or Projects are required, you may return this transaction to OSR for corrections by selecting Return to OSR from the right hand menu or at the bottom left side of the screen
- Enter comments and/or instructions for the reason for the return
4. Tasks
- If needed, Add a Task (e.g. additional PI’s, cost sharing, etc.)
- Click on + Add Task link at the right/end of the Edit Project row
- The Add Task dialog box will open. Complete as follows:
- A. Task Type – Defaults to New. Leave as is.
- B. Task Config Code – Select from the drop down menu as appropriate
- C. Task Number – Defaults to next # in series. Update as desired. Please note task #s 700-799, 900-999, and 4000-4999 are reserved for specific uses.
- D. Click Add Task
- The Edit Task dialog box will open. Complete the section. Some fields are pre populated with information from the proposal PDRF. Fields with a red asterisk * are required.
- A. Task Number – Defaults in increments of 10. Update as needed. Please note task #s 700-799, 900-999, and 4000-4999 are reserved for specific uses.
- B. Task Configuration Code – Defaults to what was selected in previous step of adding a task.
- C. Task Name - The preferred short name for the Oracle Task.
- D. Long Task Name - The preferred long name for the Oracle Task. Defaults to proposal title.
- E. Start Date – Defaults to proposed project start date.
- F. Completion Date – Defaults to blank. No action required
- G. Task Service Type – Defaults to Project Activity identified on the proposal
- H. Task Off Campus – Defaults to that which was indicated on the proposal
- I. Task description - The preferred description for the Oracle Task
- J. Principal Owner - Principal Owners are Stanford Investigators responsible for the financial activity on the Oracle Task. The list of investigators for the Principal Owner is restricted to the investigators who are associated with the SeRA Project SPO record. If the investigator you are searching for is not on the dropdown list, AND the project sponsor does not require approval for the addition of investigators, please submit a Central Office Request - Add New Investigator form.
- If the project sponsor requires approval for the addition of investigators, please submit a Central Office Request - Sponsor Approval for Key Personnel Change form.
- K. Task Manager – Task Managers are department personnel who are responsible for the task and its reconciliation
- L. Owning Organization - Organization code of the administering department or school of the Oracle Task
- M. Task A-Z Free Form Field - Optional- Use as prescribed by your department or school
- N. Does ISC apply? – Defaults to that which was indicated on the proposal
- O. Will sponsor pay ISC? – Defaults to that which was indicated on the proposal
- P. Click Save
- To copy an existing task to create a new task by clicking on the copy icon under the Add Task column
- The Add Task dialog box will open. Complete as follows for EXISTING or COPY EXISTING tasks:
- A. Task Type – Select Existing or Copy Existing
- B. Task or Copy From– Select from the drop down menu which Task to use or copy from
- C. Task Config Code – Select from the drop down menu as appropriate
- D. Task Number – Defaults to next # in series. Update as desired. Please note task #s 700-799, 900-999, and 4000-4999 are reserved for specific uses.
- E. Click Add Task
5. Click on the pencil icon to view/edit budget information for the Project
- Click on the pencil icon to view/ edit the budget for each relevant Task
- Allocate funds to the pre-populated expenditure types (ETs) and in the month column
- If necessary, click Add Expenditure Type to add additional expenditure types
- If an expenditure type is not needed, click on the garbage can icon
- Search for the expenditure type using the ET code, description, or scroll through the list
- Click Add
- Click Jump to Task if additional tasks need to be edited, or click Save
- If there are additional funds that need to be allocated, the Budgeted Amount value will be in red
- Click on the pencil icon to review and allocate the remaining amount
- Once all funds have been allocated, the Remaining Amount value will display $0.00
- The Project Budget pivot table displays a snapshot of the current budget by expenditure type and allocated funding by tasks
- Click on Return, and if necessary, repeat steps starting at Step #6 if additional awards are included with this transaction
6. Edit Award
- Each Award listed in the PTA Configuration table is assigned a separate button and row. Click on the Edit Award button.
- Complete the Award Information fields. Fields marked with a red * are required.
- Award Level of Control - Default- Faculty or PI
- Award Level of Restriction - Default- Highly Restricted
- Please refer to your local unit as to their use of these two fields
- Pre-Award, Start and End Dates (non-editable)
- Populated from the AAN
- Award Funding & Billing (non-editable)
- Populated from the AAN
- Award Personnel
- Award Manager
- Populated from the Department PTA Setup Contact identified on the SeRA PDRF at the time of proposal submission- edit as necessary
- Principal Owner (non-editable)
- Populated from the AAN
- Award Manager
7. Edit Project
- Click the Edit Project button
- Complete the Project Information fields. Fields marked with a red * are required.
- Click Save. Fields marked with a red * are required. Please refer to your local unit as to their use of the non-required fields.
8. Approve PTA Setup
- From the Transaction Home, click on Next to navigate to the Approvers page
9. Add FYI Recipient
- Add individuals you would like to be notified once the PTA – New Account transaction has been completed
10. Approvers
- Select appropriate radio button
- If additional approvers are required, click on Add Approver
- Select the appropriate Role Type and Approver from the drop down menus
- Click Add
- For an individual to appear as an option to approve these early/ extend PTA transactions, they must have SU PTA Manager Approver Sponsored granted to them from Authority Manager and it must also match the admin org code of the SPO record
11. Click Next at the bottom of the Approvers screen
12. Review for Completeness
- The Review for Completeness check will run and if there are any issues, they will be displayed.
13. Send to OSR
- Once all required information is completed, enter any comments or specific instructions you have for your Post-Award Accountant (optional), and click the Send to OSR button.
What Happens Next
Once an PTA setup transaction is sent to OSR Post award or returned for edits, you will be returned to your SeRA landing page and will no longer see the transaction pending your action item under your Open SERA Tasks.
To view the status and current assignee of your PTA transaction from your SeRA landing page's left-hand menu click My Pipeline.
To view additional PTA routing details, click on the blue PTA transaction ID# hyperlink, and scroll to the bottom of the Transaction Home page, to Task History.
Once OSR Post Award receives your PTA transaction, they will review it for accuracy and completeness. Assuming the transaction does NOT need to be returned to the department preparer for any additional information, OSR Post Award aims to process PTA setups within 5 business days of receiving a PTA transaction from a department.
Need further SeRA assistance? Have questions, feedback, or are experiencing other issues? Please submit a HelpSU ticket to the SeRA Support Team and a SeRA Support Analyst will contact you shortly.