SeRA Access
Anyone with an active SUNet ID can access SeRA to...
- Initiate a proposal for themselves or on behalf of any Stanford investigator.
- Initiate a Research Related Agreement (RRA) request for themselves or on behalf of any Stanford investigator.
- Access SeRA SPO or Research Related Agreement (RRA) project records they have previously initiated or have been granted SPO Level or RRA Level access by another SeRA user.
- Run the SeRA Disclosures/Current and Pending Support, Projects & Agreements, and Dept. Proposal Submissions reports.
SeRA SPO Level and/or Research Related Agreement Access
Granted in SeRA. Individuals can be granted within SeRA access to specific SeRA SPOs and/or Research Related Agreement records. View how to request access and/or grant someone access to a specific SeRA SPO project or Research Related Agreement record on the SeRA SPO Level and Research Related Agreement Access page.
SeRA Department Administrator Access - Updated August 19, 2024
Granted in Authority Manager. Individuals granted SeRA Department Administrator Access can be granted access to either All Investigators for a specified org, or Specific Investigator(s) for a specified org.
- Individuals granted access to All Investigators for an org can access and act on all SeRA records under the specified org as well as all SeRA records and transactions outside of the specified org where an investigator affiliated with the specified org is listed as either a PI or an Other Stanford Investigator.
- For example, an individual granted SeRA Department Administrator access for the Biology Dept org, QAUF, can access all SeRA records listed under the Biology Dept in SeRA AND any SeRA record listed under any other org in SeRA that includes a Biology affiliated investigator as either a PI or an Other Stanford Investigator.
- NEW 8/19/24: Individuals granted access to Specific Investigators under a specified org can access and act on all SeRA records where the specified investigator is listed as either a PI or an Other Stanford Investigator, regardless under what department the SeRA records are listed.
- For example, an individual granted SeRA Department Administrator access for Prof. Fear the Tree from the Biology Dept can access all SeRA records where Prof. Fear the Tree is listed as either a PI or an Other Stanford Investigator, regardless if the SeRA record is listed under the Biology Dept or not.
How to Grant SeRA Department Administrator Access for All Investigators for an Org
- Log into Authority Manager at
- Click on Grant Authority
- Enter the name or SUNet ID of the person to whom you are granting access under Select the person to be granted authority
- Under Select the privilege you want to grant, select Stanford Electronic Research Administration - Department Administrator
- Enter and select the org code to which you want to grant permissions under Select the organization scope (org name or 4-character org code).
- Select All Investigators, granting privileges, effective start and expiration dates, then click the Grant Authority button.
How to Grant SeRA Department Administrator Specific Investigators Access
- Log into Authority Manager at
- Click on Grant Authority.
- Enter the name or SUNet ID of the person you are granting access to under Select the person to be granted authority.
- Under Select the privilege you want to grant, select Stanford Electronic Research Administration - Department Administrator.
- Enter and select the org code to which you want to grant permissions under Select the organization scope (org name or 4-character org code).
- Select Specific Investigators as the desired permission level.
- Search for and select the Specific Investigator(s).
- Indicate if Can grantee grant this privilege to another person?
- If applicable, Indicate an effective start and expiration dates - default effective start date will be today's date.
- Enter any relevant Comments.
- Click the Grant Authority button.

SeRA Notice of Award (NOA) Recipient Access
Granted in Authority Manager. Individuals granted SeRA Notice of Award (NOA) Recipient access can be granted access to receive all SeRA NOA emails for either All Investigators for a specified org or Specific Investigator(s) for a specified org.
- NOTE: SeRA will ALWAYS send SeRA Notice of Award (NOA) emails to the Principal Investigator (PI) for a project and the Department Administrator that was identified on the preceding associated proposal i.e. SeRA PDRF transaction.
How to Grant SeRA Notice of Award (NOA) Recipient Access
- Log into Authority Manager at
- Click on Grant Authority.
- Enter the name or SUNet ID of the person you are granting access to under Select the person to be granted authority.
- Under Select the privilege you want to grant, select Stanford Electronic Research Administration: NOA Recipient.
- Enter and select the org code to which you want to grant permissions under Select the organization scope (org name or 4-character org code).
- Select either All Investigators or Specific Investigators.
- If you select Specific Investigators) search and select the specific investigator(s), as below shown.
- NOTE: Investigators are displayed in org drop down lists based on their specific affiliation(s) i.e. home academic department(s). To determine an investigator's affiliation, within SeRA, navigate to Reports --> Disclosure Report, enter the given investigator, and then view the investigator details information by hovering your cursor over address book icon next to the Investigator's name. StanfordWho does NOT always display the home academic department(s) of investigators.
- If you select Specific Investigators) search and select the specific investigator(s), as below shown.
- Indicate if Can grantee grant this privilege to another person?
- If applicable, Indicate an effective start and expiration dates - default effective start date will be today's date.
- Enter any relevant Comments.
- Click the Grant Authority button.

SeRA PTA Manager - Used to view all SeRA PTA transactions for a unit/org.
How to Grant SeRA PTA Manager Access
- Log into Authority Manager at
- Click on Grant Authority
- Enter the name or SUNet ID of the person you are granting access to under Select the person to be granted authority
- Under Select the privilege you want to grant, select "Self Service" - "SU PTA Manager Requester Sponsored"
- Enter and select the org code you want to grant permissions to under Select the organization scope (org name or 4-character org code)
- Select the desired permission level(s), granting privileges, effective start and expiration dates, then click the Grant Authority button
- If the individual will also need to approve SeRA PTA Manager transactions i.e.. Early and Extended Account requests, new and amendment PTA setups, please repeat steps 1 to 6 and select the privilege of "Self Service" - "SU PTA Manager Approver Sponsored".