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2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.

Specific Investigator Level Access

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How to Grant SeRA Department Administrator Specific Investigator Access

  1. Log into Authority Manager at
  2. Click on Grant Authority.
  1. Enter the name or SUNet ID of the person to whom you are granting access under Select the person to be granted authority. 
  2. Under Select the privilege you want to grant, select Stanford Electronic Research Administration  -  Department Administrator.
  3. Enter and select the org code to which you want to grant permissions under Select the organization scope (org name or 4-character org code).
  4. Select Specific Investigators as the desired permission level(s).
  5. Select the Specific Investigator(s) in this scope.
Investigator Details
  1. Select Select the appropriate specific investigator(s).
  2. Select Yes or No to Receive Notice of Awards. 
  3. Indicate if Can grantee grant this privilege to another person?
  1. If applicable, Indicate an effective start and expiration dates - default effective start date will be today's date.
  2. Enter any relevent Comments.
  3. Click the Grant Authority button
auth mgr view after pi level access has been granted
This is the view in Authority Manager after investigator specific access has been granted. Limits indicate the specific investigator the user has access to in SeRA.

Need SeRA assistance? Have questions, feedback, or are experiencing other issues? Please submit a HelpSU ticket to the SeRA Support Team and a SeRA Support Analyst will contact you shortly.

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