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Compliance protocols MUST be approved and linked in SeRA to a SPO project record prior to award acceptance. 

See ORA's Award Acceptance Resources for additional information.

SeRA Searches, Reports, and Training

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SeRA Reports

SeRA Reports Available to All SeRA Users

Projects & Agreements - Anyone with an active SU Net ID can access SeRA to run this report.  This report returns sponsored projects and research related agreements which match the selected search criteria. Results only include information from completed proposals, awards, and RRA transactions. Proposals that were rejected or withdrawn are not included in this report. If you need to view those use the Extended SPO Search.

Dept Proposals Submissions - Anyone with an active SU Net ID can access SeRA to run this report.  This report returns a list of all submitted proposals for a specified org in the specified time period.

Disclosures Report /Current & Pending Support - Anyone with an active SU Net ID can access SeRA to run this report for any Stanford investigator.

***New October 19, 2024*** Department Pipeline - Anyone with an active SU Net ID can access SeRA to run this report.  This report displays all in-progress SeRA transactions for a specified department(s)/org code(s) including:

  • To whom each in-progress transaction is currently assigned
  • The start date of each transaction
  • How many days the transaction has been assigned to the current assignee
  • Total number of days the transaction has been opened

SeRA Interactive Reporting Functionality - Enables SeRA users to customize reports. Users can alter the layout of report data by selecting columns, applying filters, highlighting, and sorting. Users can also define breaks, aggregations, charts, group bys, and add their own computations.

SeRA Reports Available to only SeRA Users with SeRA department administrator authority

  • The SeRA Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) reports replace the historical SeRA BI User reports.
  • The SeRA EDW reports return results which satisfy the selected search criteria and where you have SeRA department administrator authority.
    • For example, if you have SeRA department administrator authority for Dept A and only Dept A, any SeRA EDW reports you run will return SeRA record results only within Dept A that satisfy the selected search criteria you entered.
  • SPO records owned by departments outside your SeRA department administrator authority are not returned in SeRA EDW report results even if you have SPO level access to those SPOs.

EDW Proposals Report 

EDW Awards Report

EDW Projects Report