New Awarded Project
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Receiving a new award is like buying a new car. Everyone loves the new car smell! Get to know your new ride, learn to use all the features and options, where you might need to spend a little more time during project management, and what you can and cannot do without first needing to seek sponsor prior approval.
Departmental Research Administrator Action Items
Make sure the award is as expected
- Dates
- Dollars
- PI & Key Personnel Effort
Review Award Notice for departmental “gotchas”
- Budgetary restrictions
- Prior approval requirements
- Equipment Ownership
- Special terms and/or additional administrative work
- Carry forward restrictions
- Special reporting requirements
- Special invoicing requirements
Complete new PTA transaction
- Co-PI tasks
- Additional tasks, as needed
- Fabrication - Equipment Fabrication Request Form
Meet with PI(s) -Review who/what will be charged to the project
- Review commitments and verify they can still be met
- PI & Key Personnel Effort
- Cost sharing
Set Up the award for use
- Setup in appropriate systems:
- LD
- iProcurement: Subaward POs
- iProcurement: New POs or Change Blanket POs
- Service Center Charges
- Fabrication - Property Management Office Equipment Fabrication Request Form
- Cost Sharing
Post Award School/Dept and OSR Roles and Responsibilities