Disposals: Surplus Property
Disposition is the process by which property owned by or otherwise accountable to Stanford is permanently removed from active University records. When assets become excess to the needs of the University, or the sponsored project under which they were acquired, they must be declared excess and the disposition process initiated. Timeliness in beginning the disposition process is a key to maximizing return on investment while minimizing unnecessary costs associated with the retention and management of the asset. It also mitigates the risk of potential misuse, unauthorized disposition, or theft.
Disposal Preparation
- All disposals should be staged for collection, and orange EXCESS labels affixed to the items.
- Decontamination - Assets used in a lab setting should be decontaminated and labeled as such before disposal.
- Primary and Backup points of contact - Ensure they are local on-site personnel, able to assist the collection crew with access and identifying the material being disposed.
- Tagged equipment - Requires DPA Approval (even if generated by the DPA). Follow up as needed – Surplus doesn’t see these requests until they are fully approved.
- Non-tagged equipment - Include make/model and condition (broken/working).
- Computing devices - (desktop, laptop, tablets and phones) - Must have all proprietary information deleted prior to being sent to SPS for disposal.
- Non-tagged computers - Must include serial numbers (effective July 1, 2023) – see computer disposal page for more information about computer disposals.
- Boxes of ‘miscellaneous peripheral material’ - Provide some detail of what it contains.
- Very large and/or heavy items - May require separate collection coordination. If two people cannot comfortably pick it up, please note that in comments on the request to avoid delays and rescheduling.
- Large quantities - May require special scheduling to accommodate, please reach out to Surplus if you have large quantities of items.
- Supplies - Are no longer handled via excess request. Post lab and office supplies on the reuse web site (accessible through SPARC or at https://sparc.stanford.edu)
SPARC/Sunflower Excess Request
SPARC is an application initiative sponsored by the Stanford University Property Management Office to provide a convenient, electronic portal for property administration processes. The Sunflower Assets (SFA) database (Stanford official system of record) provides a central information resource where departments and administrative offices can locate a given piece of equipment by searching for an SU.ID tag number, serial number, steward, custodian, etc.
SPARC Excess: Assets (capital and non-capital) physically being picked up for excess or re-sale by Surplus Property Sales (SPS).
Sunflower Excess: Assets (capital and tagged non-capital) being removed from campus by 3rd party vendor. Requires DPA to contact their Property Programs Manager (PPM) with appropriate information before asset departs. PPM generates record retirement in Sunflower. SPS will not have physical contact with asset and no pick-up required.
Examples of SPARC and Sunflower Excess Requests
SPARC Excess Requests (SPS picks up) | Sunflower Excess Requests (requires immediate PPM notification) |
Asset(s) w/ Stanford Barcode Tag | Asset(s) being removed by a 3rd party contractor during a renovation project |
Non-Capital Asset(s) | Asset Cannibalization |
Surplus Property Sales | Lease/Loan Return |
Onsite Sales | Transfer To Outside Institution |
Sales to Staff | Trade-In |
Asset(s) for Re-Utilization | Courtesy Removal (3rd party removal at time of delivery of a new asset) |
Asset(s) replaced by Risk Management | Return to Manufacturer |
Asset(s) Stolen |
Disposals Requiring Special Handling
Lab Equipment:
Must be certified as decontaminated/never contaminated prior to disposal
Freezers, Refrigerators, Chillers (anything containing Freon):
PSSI Work Request required, complete this first, then generate Excess request in SPARC, including the PSSI work request number in field provided
Tissue Culture Hoods, Bio-Safety Cabinets:
Clear with EH&S prior to disposal, these are sent directly to PSSI for recycling, so PSSI Work Request required, complete this first, then generate Excess request in SPARC, including the PSSI work request number in field provided
Must be emptied of oils prior to generating excess request – contact EH&S for assistance
Fleet Garage is contacted and vehicle delivered for evaluation and/or de-stanfordization. DPA creates a SPARC excess request and notes delivery status in comments.
Contact your PPM, if vehicle is being disposed of outside normal Stanford processes (trade-in, remote location disposal etc...). All other questions can be directed to Surplus. PMO and Surplus will work with Fleet on the appropriate handling of the vehicle disposition
UG2 picks-up new/used toner from designated drop off locations. Most building's should have a drop off location for used toner cartridges. If you don’t have a drop-off location please reach out to Christopher Craig at EH&S
Off-Site Assets:
Contact your PPM.