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See ORA's Award Acceptance Resources for additional information.

Surplus Property Overview

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As stated in Administrative Guide Memo 5.2.4, Surplus Property Sales (SPS) is the only entity authorized by the University Board of Trustees to sell university property.

SPS includes the reutilization, sale and environmentally sound disposal of excess university assets.  The operation seeks to support a sustainable campus through the collection of surplus equipment and materials for recycling, and when appropriate, through sales to departments, staff, and select online offers to the public. They strive to return the maximum proceeds to departments from the sale of excess assets. SPS is dedicated to continuous program improvements and growth in support of the university’s needs related to the value of its excess property. For sale information see the Surplus Property Sales Fee Structure.

Additional information can be found by visiting please visit the Property Management Manual,
Chapters 4.1 Re-Use and 4.3 Surplus Property Sales. To process an excess request or visit the re-use site please visit the SPARC application.

Disposals: Surplus Property
Disposals: End-user Computers, Tablets and Phones
Reutilization: Furniture

Surplus Property Sales Manager

Alex Perez

Assistant Surplus Property Sales Manager

Jimmy Baca

Re-Utilization Programs Manager

Jimmy Baca

Property Specialist

Jose Medina Jr., CPPS