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2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.

External Activities Questionnaire

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The External Activities Questionnaire (EAQ) is intended to be a high level guide to assist investigators with collecting and providing the information needed to fulfill federal disclosure requirements for sponsored projects. 

Effective May 7, 2021 Stanford investigators can login into SeRA to initiate and update their EAQ anytime. 

Additionally, administrators with SeRA department level authority can from their SeRA My Dashboard landing page click on My Investigators and using the single investigator view and select a principal investigator within their department to access the faculty’s My Projects page information and view EAQ responses entered by the faculty as well as prompt from within SeRA their faculty to complete and/or update the EAQ.

Investigator View

SeRA My Projects EAQ


EAQ User Guide

Sample EAQ

EAQ Responses to Sponsor Disclosures

  Biosketch / Sciencv Other Support / Current & Pending Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources
1. Any visiting postdoctoral fellows, visiting students, or visiting scholars involved in research in your lab who are paid directly, in full or in part, by any non-Stanford organization, institution, company or government ("Entity")  

NIH (3)

NSF (2)


NSF (2)

2. Any Stanford registered postdoctoral fellows or students involved in research for your lab supported in full or in part by any non-Stanford organization, institution, company, or government ("Entity") including fellowships  

NIH (3)

NSF (2)


NSF (2)

3. Access to "in-kind" resources in support of your research endeavors that are obtained through a collaboration, appointment, or relationship with an outside institution, organization, or company ("Entity")  



NIH (4)


4. Outside Affiliations & Appointments - Paid & Unpaid.  This includes unpaid Appointments such as "guest", "adjunct", "honorary", or "visitor" titles.

NIH (1,5)


NIH (8)

5. Outside Research Roles - Except for proposals or awards processed through the VA or Stanford as subcontracts, has another institution identified you as the PI, Co-PI, investigator, or other key personnel on a project (proposed or awarded)?  

NIH (3)


6. Outside Programs & Activities - Non-Stanford program or activity that provides you with compensation, research or office facilities, sponsored or reimbursed travel, honorary funding, or any type of benefit in exchange for teaching or mentoring students, performing research for another institution, or publishing research results naming your affiliation at the other institution



NIH (3, 6)


7. Personal Financial Interest - Received any Personal Financial Interest (e.g., salary, consulting fees, stock/stock options, honoraria, gifts, or sponsored or reimbursed travel) from a non-Stanford entity that will be used to support your Stanford research endeavors?  

NIH (7)




  1. Disclose all of your appointments and affiliations on the NIH Bio-sketch form, including those with whom you are publishing.
  2. If an in-kind contribution is intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed to NSF, the information must be included as part of the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal and need not be replicated in the individual’s Current and Pending Support submission.  However, if an in-kind contribution is NOT intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed to NSF, but has an associated time commitment, the information must be included as part of the current and pending support section of the proposal.
  3. Other Support is provided at Just-in-Time, RPPR (annual progress reports), for K-Awards mentors must provide at proposal stage, and ad-hoc as required
  4. If an in-kind contribution is intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed to  NIH , the information must be included as part of the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the pro posal and does not need not be replicated in the Other Support for this particular project.  However, if an in-kind contribution is NOT intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed to NIH (e.g. it’s for different projects other than this submission), the information must be included as part of the investigator’s Other Support. It is important to make sure that the Other Support is complete and it may be advisable to list the in-kind contributions on both Facilities, Equipment and Other documents and the Other Support to avoid accidental omission when submitting for different NIH projects.
  5. If affiliation provides access to resources or equipment for their research use, this, too, must be disclosed in Other Support as an In-Kind Resource.
  6. Must be disclosed in Other Support only if involvement in outside program or activity provides compensation or resources that benefit your own research endeavors
  7. Must be disclosed in Other Support only if personal financial interests are used to benefit your own research endeavors
  8. Effective January 25, 2022, NIH requires, as part of the Other Support, the submission of supporting documentation, which includes copies of contracts, grants, or any other agreement specific to senior/key personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution for all foreign activities and resources that are reported in Other Support. This documentation must be provided in English (translated copies are required if originals are not in English). For Other Support submitted prior to January 25, 2022, though not required yet, NIH may request these documents, if necessary.

Need further assistance? Have questions and/or feedback? Please submit questions and/or feedback and a member of the ORA-RMG Disclosures Team will respond to you shortly.