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Compliance protocols MUST be approved and linked in SeRA to a SPO project record prior to award acceptance. 

See ORA's Award Acceptance Resources for additional information.

Extend Account Setup Request

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Extend [and Early] Account requests are used to request OSR to extend the end date of an existing account (Oracle Award) by the SeRA transaction type of Account Setup - Early/Extend

  • Spending on Early and Extended accounts is considered at-risk spending and must be guaranteed by the Principal Investigator who authorized the early/extend account with a Non-Sponsored PTA with sufficient funds to be able to cover the expenses charged to the extended account.
  • In the event funding is not awarded or received from the sponsor, or if expenditures posted to the early/extend PTA account are deemed unallowable, the Non-Sponsored PTA will be used to fund expenditures charged to the early/extend account.
  • Accounts will be extended for no more than 90 days at a time.  If an account needs to be extended beyond 90 days from the current sponsor approved end date, the administering department will need to submit a new Early/Extend transaction at the end of each 90 day extension period.
  • New tasks for Investigators can only be added after the Investigator is added to the SeRA SPO record and completes their Investigator certifications. If the Investigator is not yet associated with the project, please select the "Add New Investigator to Project" Central Office Request type.
  • For projects where sponsors  do not require prior approval to add an Investigator, departments can use the  COR- Add New Investigator to Project guide.

***Effective April 15, 2022, SeRA limits the assignment of Task Owner(s)/ Principal Owner(s) to Stanford Investigators who are associated with the SPO record

  1. Go to 
  2. From the red banner at the top of any page within SeRA click on Search.  Enter the relevant SPO #. The search will interactively display matches according to what is being entered. Click on the appropriate blue reference number to drill into the relevant record.

*Note- if you press Enter on your keyboard, the first listed search result will be automatically selected

COR Search
  1. From the Project Summary page, click on Start a Transaction menu, and select Account/ Setup – Early Extend
  1. Click Start
  1. The page will reload to a Transaction Home (Early/Extend Account Request) page.  The PTA Configuration section will display the recommended new PTA information.  Awards, projects, and tasks listed in red are new and do not yet exist in Oracle. 
  1. Under the PTA Configuration section click on the Edit Award button.
  1. The page will reload to the Edit Award (Early/Extend Account Request) page.  Fields with a red asterisk * are required.  Complete the Guarantee PTA Information section.

A. Guarantee Amount – estimated expenses during early account period

B. Guarantee Award – Non-sponsored Oracle Award being used to guarantee expenses

C. Guarantee Project - Oracle Project being used to guarantee expenses

D. Guarantee Task - Oracle Task being used to guarantee expenses

  1. Complete the Award Information section.  Some fields are pre populated with information from the proposal PDRF.  This information can be edited.  Fields with a red asterisk * are required.

A. Award Short Name - A short description of the award. Must start with the SPO # of the award

B. Award Full Name - The preferred name for the PTA of this project. Defaults to proposal title.

C. Owning Organization - Organization code of the administering department or school of the Oracle Award

D. Award A-Z Free Form Field - Optional-  Use as prescribed by your department or school

E. Award Level of Control - DefaultFaculty or PI

F. Award Level of Restriction - DefaultHighly Restricted

  1. Under the Award Dates section, the Pre-Award Date will default to being blank, as an agreement from a sponsor specifying pre-award spending has yet to be received.  The Start Date will pre populate with the project start date that was proposed to the sponsor.  The End Date will auto calculate to be three months after the Start Date.  If you need a Start Date other than that which was proposed to the sponsor, include this information and an explanation in the comments section available on the Review & Submit screen of the transaction

10. Under the Award Personnel section review the pre populated Award Manager and update as needed.  The Principal Owner will default to the Principal Investigator identified on the proposal.


11. Under the Projects, Tasks and Budget section click the Edit Project button.


12. The Edit Project dialog box will open.  Complete the section.  Some fields are pre populated with information from the proposal PDRF.  This information can be edited.  Fields with a red asterisk * are required.  Please note the Amount Funding to this Project will always be $0.00 for early accounts, as no funding has been formally awarded from the sponsor yet.

A. Project Name- The preferred name for the Oracle Project.  Defaults to abridged proposal title.

B. Project Description - The preferred name for the Oracle Project.  Defaults to proposal title.

C. Principal Owner – Principal Owners are Stanford Investigators responsible for this Oracle task. This list is restricted to the Investigators associated with this SPO. If you do not see the Investigator you want to select, you will need to request the Investigator to be added to the project by your Institutional Official. If their name does not display as an option, please submit a Help ticket.

D. Project Manager – Project  Managers are department personnel who are responsible for the award and its reconciliation.

E. Owning Organization - Organization code of the administering department or school of the Oracle Project

F. Project A-Z Free Form Field- Optional-  Use as prescribed by your department or school

G. Click Save.  The Edit Project dialog box will close, and you will return to the Edit Award (Early/Extend Account Request) page.


13. From the Edit Award (Early/Extend Account Request) page under the Projects, Tasks and Budget section click the Edit Task button.


14. The Edit Task dialog box will open.  Complete the section.  Some fields are pre populated with information from the proposal PDRF.  Fields with a red asterisk * are required. 

A. Task Number – Defaults to 10.  Update as needed.  Please note task #s 700-799, 900-999, and 4000-4999 are reserved for specific uses.

B. Task Name - The preferred short name for the Oracle Task. 

C. Long Task Name - The preferred long name for the Oracle Task. Defaults to proposal title.

D. Start Date – Defaults to proposed project start date. 

E. Completion Date – Defaults to blank.  No action required

F. Task Service Type – Defaults to Project Activity identified on the proposal

G. Task Off Campus – Defaults to that which was indicated on the proposal

H. Task description - The preferred description for the Oracle Task

I. Principal Owner - Principal Owners are Stanford Investigators responsible for the financial activity on the Oracle Task. The list of investigators for the Principal Owner is restricted to the investigators who are associated with the SeRA Project SPO record.  If the investigator you are searching for is not on the dropdown list, AND the project sponsor does not require approval for the addition of investigators, please submit a Central Office Request - Add New Investigator form. 

If the project sponsor requires approval for the addition of investigators, please submit a Central Office Request - Sponsor Approval for Key Personnel Change form.

J. Task Manager – Task Managers are department personnel who are responsible for the task and its reconciliation

K. Owning Organization - Organization code of the administering department or school of the Oracle Task

L. Project A-Z Free Form Field - Optional-  Use as prescribed by your department or school

M. Does ISC apply? – Defaults to that which was indicated on the proposal

N. Will sponsor pay ISC? – Defaults to that which was indicated on the proposal

O. Click Save


15. If additional tasks are NOT needed, click Next at the bottom right of the Edit Award (Early/Extend Account Request) screen and proceed to step # 19.

16. If additional tasks are needed, select Transaction Home from the Left Hand Navigation Menu.


17. From the Transaction Home (Early/Extend Account Request) page, and under the PTA Configuration section

  • Add a Task
  • Click on + Add Task link at the right/end of the Edit Project row
  • The Add Task dialog box will open.  Complete as follows.

A. Task Type – Defaults to New.  Leave as is.

B. Task Config Code – Select from the drop down menu either Other or Other Stanford Faculty

C. Task Number – Defaults to next # in series. Update as desired.  Please note task #s 700-799, 900-999, and 4000-4999 are reserved for specific uses.

D. Click Add Task

  • To copy an existing task to create a new task click on the copy icon under the Add Task column
  • The Add Task dialog box will open.  Complete as follows for EXISTING or COPY EXISTING tasks:

A. Task Type – Select Existing or Copy Existing

B. Task or Copy From– Select from the drop down menu which Task to use or copy from

C. Task Config Code – Select from the drop down menu either Other or Other Stanford Faculty

D. Task Number – Defaults to next # in series. Update as desired.  Please note task #s 700-799, 900-999, and 4000-4999 are reserved for specific uses.

E. Click Add Task

  • The Edit Task dialog box will open and information from the task that this was copied from will roll over. Update as desired and click Save.
  • The newly created additional task will now appear under the PTA Configuration
    • You can delete any additional task created by clicking on the trashcan icon associated with the relevant task row.  Please note, at least one task is required as part of PTA setup.  Thus, the first task cannot be deleted.
  • Repeat Steps # 14, 16 and 17 as many times as additional tasks are needed. 


18. At the end of each Edit task screen you can select Jump to Task to toggle to the next task or Save and exit to go back to the PTA Configuration screen.

19. Once you have completed the task information for all tasks, click Next at the bottom right of the Edit Award (Early/Extend Account Request) screen.


20. The screen will reload for you to re-review the Edit Award (Early/Extend Account Request) screen.  Update as necessary, and then click Next on the bottom right of the screen.

21. The screen will reload for you to the Approvers page. Review the Compliance section

22. As needed, click on the Add FYI button to add individuals as FYI Recipients- they will receive an email notification when the transaction is completed


23. Under the Approvers section the principal Investigator will always default as an approver.

  • For School of Medicine requests, the following approvers are required:
    • At least ONE Authorized Department/Division representative (i.e. DFA, Division Mgr, or Financial Mgr)
      1. For an individual to appear as an option to approve these early/ extend PTA transactions, they must have SU PTA Manager Approver Sponsored granted to them from Authority Manager and it must also match the admin org code of the SPO record
    • School of Medicine Fiscal Affairs Office.  *Auto-populates for School of Medicine only
    • School of Medicine Research Management Group Institutional Official. Find your RMG Institutional Official
    • Office of Sponsored Research Institutional Official (if necessary). Find your OSR Institutional Official
    • All other schools/ units, please follow local guidelines for approvers

24. Select the appropriate Approver and Role Type from the drop down menus, click Add, then click Next

  • If the available selections are not names you recognize, please contact your Authorized Department/Division representative to verify who to select

25. The Review for Completeness check will run and if there are any issues, it will be displayed


26. Once all required information is completed, enter pertinent information in relation to the Early/ Extend PTA Request in the Comments textbox and click Submit for Approval


Need further SeRA assistance? Have questions, feedback, or are experiencing other issues? Please submit a HelpSU ticket to the SeRA Support Team and a SeRA Support Analyst will contact you shortly.